Lend a hand.
If you're passionate about community service, care deeply for people and have the time and energy, we'd love to have your help at Chestnut Hill Hospital. Volunteering opportunities are available in various departments throughout our hospital. Get in touch, and let's talk about how can help each other.
Adults and teens at least 15 years of age are welcome to join a group of caring and generous individuals who want to make a positive difference. Positions are available in the following departments:
- Dietary
- Nursing
- Front desk
- Human Resources
- Inservice Education
Typical duties include delivering snacks and meals to patients, filing, administrative support, answering phones, greeting visitors, escorting patients to various departments, taking flowers and gifts to patient rooms, assisting wheelchair-bound patients, distributing menus.
To apply, simply fill out our online volunteer application and submit it to our volunteer coordinator.
Annemarie Hin
Email: annmarie_hin@chs.net
Phone: 215-248-8382